Episode 4 - Shifting face-to-face exams for online delivery

In this two-part episode, Sandra Nolte and Steven Young from the Accounting & Finance Department of the Lancaster University Management School talk through the steps that they took to shift exams designed for face-to-face delivery for delivery online while ensuring students' access and welfare.

In the Part 2, to be aired at a later date, Sandra and Steven will talk about teaching materials for dissertations. 


Resources mentioned and of interest

Draft rules for online exams

Sandra and Steven kindly shared a copy of the draft rules for online exam. You can find the draft rules here and amend them to your local context.

CFA Level 1 and 2 Syllabi

These relate to the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute's professional qualifications. You can find out more information here: https://www.cfainstitute.org/en/programs/cfa/exam


LaTeX "is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation". Basically, LaTeX is a type of mark up software used to create journal publication-style documents and also used for creating high quality documents that contain mathematical symbols and numerical notation used across a variety of subjects, such as mathematics, computer science, economics and other STEM subjects.

Personally, I think anyone might benefit from integrated training and usage of LaTeX especially if they're producing high quality documents! You can find out about LaTeX here: https://www.latex-project.org/


Episode 5 - Personal connections: how audiovisual feedback increases students’ understanding


Episode 3 - How to create and maintain engagement with first year students