Episode 13: What's new, what's fun?: The pleasures and pains of being a digital innovator

In this episode, Bela Chatterjee, Senior Lecturer in Law at the Lancaster University Law School, talks about the pleasures and pains of being an educator as a digital innovator. Bela notes that while innovation has a short half-life, this is what can keep our learning and teaching interesting.

Bela's talk delves into her motivations for taking innovative approaches to learning and teaching which range from using audiovisual approaches to engaging students as co-creators of the syllabus. Bela's talk also highlights the need for collaboration with educational technologists.


Further reading & resources

Bela provides some links to journals and articles that colleagues within law and the social sciences might find useful:

The International Journal of Legal Public Education: https://www.northumbriajournals.co.uk/index.php/ijple

The Law Teacher: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ralt20/current


Episode 14: Reflections on flexibility: A chat with colleagues about suddenly teaching and supporting students remotely


Episode 12: A flipped classroom through digital chalk talks