Episode 12: A flipped classroom through digital chalk talks

In this episode, Sally Keith, an ecologist from the Lancaster Environment Centre, talks about how she transformed her delivery of teaching from a traditional, lecture-based approach by flipping her teaching through creating and using digital chalk talks.

Sally also talks about the theories that informed her new approach to teaching. The result: more engaged learning and teaching.Theories that informed digital chalk talk.

Part of the inspiration for this transformation comes from how Khan Academy develops and delivers its teaching.



Below is a paper by Sally that provides an in-depth look into the background of flipping and the approaches that she took to inform her practice:

Some of the theories that informing this approach

  • Cognitive theory of multimedia learning
  • Cognitive overload
  • Cognitive affective theory of learning with media

Practicalities - what was used


Episode 13: What's new, what's fun?: The pleasures and pains of being a digital innovator


Episode 11: Experiential learning: Adapting a field trip-based module at speed